Jade's oldest cousin, Eden, is born!

I'm already 2 days late for the big news but my sister-in-law gave birth to a gorgeous 7.007 lbs baby girl named Eden.

The labor was long and difficult and the mom was bravely going through it all in the most natural way possible. The baby position finally made it impossible to continue further and Eden was born by Ceasarian at 7h19 am on Saturday Jan 23rd 2010. I am so proud of the new mom and I can't believe just how beautiful she looked after such a long road without sleeping or showering: were I in her shoes, the baby would have probably started crying in fear when they would have presented her to me. Lol. But not her, she looked relaxed and so-very-happy.

Eden is truly adorable and so far, has been a calm and quiet newborn. The only few times I heard a few cries from her at the hospital were because she was woken up by being transferred from someone's arms to another's and it only lasted a few seconds.

I then had the chance to hold her and Jade even greeted her with a few kicks to which she did not respond (my placenta is in front so Eden probably never felt the kicks). It's quite impressive to think a baby this size (or more) will fit inside my belly eventually.

A picture will be added as soon as I receive it from the new grandma. She was the official photographer at the hospital.

Happy belated birthday Eeeeeden, happy belated birthday Eeeeeeeeeeden, happy belated biiiirthday, happy belated biiirthday, happy belated biirthday Eeeeeeden.


maman So said...

Merci d'avoir laissé un petit commentaire sur mon blog!!

Comme je ne suis pas tellement bonne en anglais, j'ai quand même essayé de lire certains écrits sur ton blog!! J'ai pu lire que tu attends une petite fille toi aussi...et je crois que vous l'appellerez Jade si j'ai bien compris!! C'est très joli et comme tu dis...ça se dit aussi bien en français qu'en anglais!

J'aimerais tellement être bilingue pour te suivre plus attentivement sur ton blog...mais j'essayerai quand même de te suivre au mieux que je comprendrai!!C'est tellement le fun de pouvoir échanger le fait qu'on vit nos grossesses en même temps!

Au plaisir!


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